Freundlich's C++ toolkit
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CStringMaker< fcppt::catch_::movable< Type > >Output specialization for fcppt::catch_::movable
 CStringMaker< fcppt::either::object< Failure, Success > >Output specialization for fcppt::either::object
 CStringMaker< fcppt::optional::object< Type > >Output specialization for fcppt::optional::object
 CStringMaker< fcppt::record::object< Elements... > >Output specialization for fcppt::record::object
 CStringMaker< fcppt::recursive< Types > >Output specialization for fcppt::recursive
 CStringMaker< fcppt::strong_typedef< Type, Tag > >Output specialization for fcppt::strong_typedef
 CStringMaker< fcppt::tuple::object< Types... > >Output specialization for fcppt::tuple::object
 CStringMaker< fcppt::variant::object< Types... > >Output specialization for fcppt::variant::object
 NfcpptThe top level namespace
 NalgorithmGeneral-purpose algorithms
 NbitBit operations
 NcastCast helpers which provide more type information or do additional checks
 NcontainerVarious containers and utility functions
 NeitherContains fcppt::either::object and helper types/functions for it
 NfilesystemHelper functions for std::filesystem
 NioIO-related typedefs and functions
 NlogLogging classes and functions
 NmathEverything math-related goes in here
 NmonadMonad typeclass and related functions
 NoptionsLibrary for command-line options
 NparseLibrary for parsers
 NrandomMain namespace for random, also containing the variate generator
 NsignalAn implementation of a managed signals and slots system (replacement for boost's signals)
 Ntype_isoConversions between isomorphic types
 Ntype_traitsSome additional type traits
 NvariantContains fcppt::variant::object and helper types/functions for it
 Cboost_units_valueConverts a boost unit to its value
 Cc_deleterA deleter that uses std::free to destroy an object
 Ccom_deleterA deleter that uses the Release member function to destroy an object
 Ccyclic_iteratorAn iterator adaptor that cycles through a range
 Cdefault_deleterA deleter that uses delete to destroy an object
 Cenable_shared_from_thisAllows an object to obtain a shared ptr to itself
 CexceptionThe base class for all exceptions
 Cfunction< Ret(Args...)>A function object that cannot be null
 CidentityThe identity function
 Cint_iteratorAn iterator over integers
 Cint_rangeA forward range over integers
 Cis_recursiveTests if a type is an fcppt::recursive
 Cis_recursive< fcppt::recursive< Type > >
 Cis_referenceTests if a type is an fcppt::reference
 Cis_reference< fcppt::reference< Type > >
 Cis_strong_typedefTests if a type is an fcppt::strong_typedef
 Cis_strong_typedef< fcppt::strong_typedef< Type, Tag > >
 Cis_unique_ptrTests if a type is an fcppt::unique_ptr
 Cis_unique_ptr< fcppt::unique_ptr< Type, Deleter > >
 Cmake_literal< fcppt::strong_typedef< Type, Tag > >
 Cno_initA dummy struct to use a constructor that does not initialize
 Coutput_impl< Arg, void >
 CoverloadedOverloads multiple lambdas
 CrecursiveTurns an incomplete type into a complete one, allowing recursion
 CreferenceA simple reference wrapper that supports incomplete types
 Creference_hash< fcppt::reference< Type > >A hash for fcppt::reference that hashes pointers
 Cscoped_state_machineScopes a boost state machine
 Cshared_ptrA shared pointer class that gets the deleter as a template parameter
 Cshared_ptr_hash< fcppt::shared_ptr< Type > >A hash for fcppt::shared_ptr that hashes pointers
 Cstrong_typedefUsed to create strong typedefs
 Cstrong_typedef_hash< fcppt::strong_typedef< Type, Alias > >Hash function object for strong typedefs
 CtagA value for a type name
 Cunique_ptrA simpler unique_ptr that shouldn't be used as a null pointer
 CunitThe unit data type
 Cweak_ptrA weak reference to an object owned by a shared pointer