▼NCatch | |
CStringMaker< fcppt::catch_::movable< Type > > | Output specialization for fcppt::catch_::movable |
CStringMaker< fcppt::either::object< Failure, Success > > | Output specialization for fcppt::either::object |
CStringMaker< fcppt::optional::object< Type > > | Output specialization for fcppt::optional::object |
CStringMaker< fcppt::record::object< Elements... > > | Output specialization for fcppt::record::object |
CStringMaker< fcppt::recursive< Types > > | Output specialization for fcppt::recursive |
CStringMaker< fcppt::strong_typedef< Type, Tag > > | Output specialization for fcppt::strong_typedef |
CStringMaker< fcppt::tuple::object< Types... > > | Output specialization for fcppt::tuple::object |
CStringMaker< fcppt::variant::object< Types... > > | Output specialization for fcppt::variant::object |
▼Nfcppt | The top level namespace |
►Nalgorithm | General-purpose algorithms |
Cloop_break_impl | Customization point for ranges |
Cmap_impl | |
►Narray | |
Cobject | |
►Nbit | Bit operations |
Cmask | A bit mask |
►Ncast | Cast helpers which provide more type information or do additional checks |
Cdynamic_any_fun | Function object that uses fcppt::cast::dynamic_any |
Cdynamic_cross_fun | Function object that uses fcppt::cast::dynamic_cross |
Cdynamic_fun | Function object that uses fcppt::cast::dynamic |
Cfloat_to_int_fun | Function object of fcppt::cast::float_to_int |
Cint_to_enum_fun | Function object of fcppt::cast::int_to_enum |
Cint_to_float_fun | Function object of fcppt::cast::int_to_float |
Csize_fun | Function object of fcppt::cast::size |
Cstatic_cast_fun | Function object that does a static_cast |
Cto_signed_fun | Function object of fcppt::cast::to_signed |
Cto_unsigned_fun | Function object of fcppt::cast::to_unsigned |
►Ncatch_ | |
Cmovable | A movable-only type |
►Ncontainer | Various containers and utility functions |
►Nbitfield | Contains fcppt::container::bitfield::object and helper types/functions for it |
Cdefault_internal_type | Tells a bitfield to choose an internal type |
Chash | A hash function for bitfields |
Cobject | A statically sized bitfield |
Cproxy | The proxy class referencing a single bit in a bitfield |
►Nbuffer | |
Cobject | A contiguous container for uninitialized data that contains a write and a read area |
►Ngrid | Contains fcppt::container::grid::object and helper types/functions for it |
Cis_object | |
Cis_object< fcppt::container::grid::object< T, N, A > > | |
Cmin_tag | |
Cobject | An n-dimensional array |
Cpos_iterator | An iterator over grid position |
Cpos_range | A range over grid position |
Cpos_ref_iterator | An iterator over grid references |
Cpos_ref_range | A range over grid references |
Cpos_reference | A reference to a grid cell and its position |
Cspiral_iterator | |
Cspiral_range | |
Csup_tag | |
►Nraw_vector | |
Cobject | A special vector class that can handle uninitialized memory |
Crep | The representation of a raw vector |
►Ntree | |
Cis_object | A meta function testing if the given type is really a tree object |
Cis_object< fcppt::container::tree::object< T > > | A meta function testing if the given type is really a tree object |
Cobject | A tree data structure |
►Cpre_order | Wraps a tree to make it iterable in a pre-order fashion |
Citerator | |
►Cto_root | |
Citerator | |
Cdynamic_array | An array of dynamic size that does not initialize |
Cget_or_insert_result | The result type of fcppt::container::get_or_insert_with_result |
Cindex_map | An index-based container that grows on demand |
Cmove_range | A range that moves its elements |
►Neither | Contains fcppt::either::object and helper types/functions for it |
Cis_object | |
Cis_object< fcppt::either::object< Failure, Success > > | |
Cno_error | |
Cobject | |
►Nenum_ | |
►Carray | An array indexed with an enum |
Cfrom_internal | |
Cfrom_string_impl | |
Cinvalid | Exception to use for invalid enums |
Citerator | |
Cmax_value_impl | Specialization point for max_value |
Crange | A range over a contiguous enum |
Csize_type_impl | |
Cto_string_impl | Customization point for fcppt::enum_::to_string |
►Nfilesystem | Helper functions for std::filesystem |
Cdirectory_range | A range for directory iterators |
Crecursive_directory_range | A range for recursive directory iterators |
►Nintrusive | |
Cbase | The base class of an element |
Citerator | The iterator type of an intrusive list |
Clist | An intrusive list |
►Nio | IO-related typedefs and functions |
Cbasic_scoped_rdbuf | Changes the streambuf of a stream temporarily |
►Niterator | |
Cbase | A template for implementing iterators |
Cis_types | |
Cis_types< fcppt::iterator::types< Derived, ValueType, Reference, DifferenceType, IteratorCategory > > | |
Crange | A range formed from two iterators |
Ctypes | The types passed to fcppt::iterator::base |
►Nlog | Logging classes and functions |
Ccontext | A logger context manages log levels |
Clevel_stream | The stream for a logger level |
Clocation | A location of a logger in a context |
Cobject | The main log class |
Cstandard_level_stream | Logs to an fcppt::io::ostream |
►Nmath | Everything math-related goes in here |
►Nbox | Contains fcppt::math::box::object box::object and helper functions, classes and types for it |
Chas_dim | Metafunction to check the dimension of a box |
Chas_dim< fcppt::math::box::object< T, N >, Dim > | |
Cis_box | Metafunction to test if a type is a box type |
Cis_box< fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > > | |
Cobject | A class representing axis aligned boxes, cubes, hypercubes, .. |
►Ndim | Contains fcppt::math::dim::object dim::object and helper functions, classes and types for it |
Chas_dim | Metafunction to check the dimension of a static dim |
Chas_dim< fcppt::math::dim::object< T, N, S >, Size > | |
Cis_dim | Metafunction to test if a type is a dim type |
Cis_dim< fcppt::math::dim::object< T, N, S > > | |
Cobject | A class representing a static n-dimensional dimension |
►Nmatrix | Contains fcppt::math::matrix::object matrix::object and helper functions, classes and types for it |
Chas_dim | Metafunction to check if a static matrix has the specified dimensions |
Chas_dim< fcppt::math::matrix::object< T, R, C, S >, DR, DC > | |
Cindex | A static matrix index |
Cis_matrix | Metafunction to test if a type is a matrix type |
Cis_matrix< fcppt::math::matrix::object< T, R, C, S > > | |
Cobject | A class representing a static matrix |
►Nsphere | Contains fcppt::math::sphere::object sphere::object and helper functions, classes and types for it |
Cobject | The object sphere class |
►Nvector | Contains fcppt::math::vector::object vector::object and helper functions, classes and types for it |
Chas_dim | Checks the dimension of a vector |
Chas_dim< fcppt::math::vector::object< T, N, S >, Dim > | |
Cis_vector | Checks if a type is a vector type |
Cis_vector< fcppt::math::vector::object< T, N, S > > | |
Cobject | A class representing static n-dimensional vectors |
Cis_zero_impl | |
►Nmonad | Monad typeclass and related functions |
Cinstance | Used to implement a monad instance |
►Cinstance< fcppt::either::object< Failure, Success > > | |
Cconstructor | |
Cinner_type | |
►Cinstance< fcppt::optional::object< Arg > > | |
Cconstructor | |
Cinner_type | |
►Nmpl | |
►Nlist | |
Cobject | The list type used by this library |
►Nmap | |
Celement | The element type of a map.An element of a map is a key-value pair |
Cobject | The map type used by this library |
►Nset | |
Cobject | The set type used by this library.A map is constructed from a variadic list of types, which must be pairwise disjoint |
Clambda | The lambda type |
►Noptional | |
Cis_object | Checks if a given type is an fcppt::optional::object |
Cis_object< fcppt::optional::object< Type > > | |
Cnothing | A polymorphic empty optional |
Cobject | A class that makes values optional |
►Noptions | Library for command-line options |
Cactive_value_tag | The tag of strong typedefs for active values |
Cargument | An argument parser |
Cargument_conversion_error | |
Cargument_usage | |
Cbase | The base class for parsers with a given result type |
Ccommands | A parser for multiple sub commands |
Ccommands_usage | |
Cdefault_value_tag | The tag of strong typedefs for default values |
Cdual_flag_error | |
Cdual_option_error | |
Cduplicate_names | |
Cerror | The error type retuned |
Cerror_pair | |
Cexception | |
Cflag | A flag parser |
Cflag_usage | |
Cinactive_value_tag | The tag of strong typedefs for inactive values |
Cinvalid_command_error | |
Cleftover_error | |
Cmany | A parser for zero or more elements |
Cmany_usage | |
Cmissing_argument_error | |
Cmissing_command_error | |
Cmissing_error | Occurs if an argument/flag/option is missing |
Cmissing_error_pair | |
Cmissing_flag_error | |
Cmissing_option_argument_error | |
Cmissing_option_error | |
Coption | An option parser |
Coption_conversion_error | |
Coption_name | An option name that may be for a short or long option |
Coption_usage | |
Coptional | An optional parser |
Coptional_usage | |
Cparse_context | |
Cpretty_type_impl | |
Cproduct | A product of two parsers |
Cproduct_usage | |
Cstate | A parse state |
Cstate_with_value | A parse state together with a value |
Csub_command | A sub command consists of a command name and a parser |
Csub_command_usage | |
►Csum | A sum of two parsers |
Cleft | |
Cright | |
Csum_usage | |
Cswitch_ | A switch parser |
Cunit | A parser that succeeds when provided with no arguments |
Cunit_switch | A required switch |
Cunit_usage | |
Cusage | The usage type of a parser.This shows to a user how a parser is supposed to be used |
►Nparse | Library for parsers |
►Nskipper | |
Calternative | Tries the left skipper, and if that fails also the right skipper |
Cany | Skips a single character |
Cbasic_char_set | Skips all characters from a set |
Cbasic_literal | Skips a specific character |
Cbasic_string | |
Ccomment | |
Cepsilon | Skips nothing |
Cnot_ | Negates the result of a skipper |
Crepetition | Skips characters repeatedly |
Csequence | Tries two skippers in succession |
Ctag | The tag skippers derive from |
Calternative | Tries the left parser, and if that fails also the right parser. Uses the result of the first one that does not fail |
Calternative_error | |
Cbase | Base class for a parser |
Cbasic_char | Parses a single character and returns it |
Cbasic_char_error | |
Cbasic_char_set | Parses a set of characters and returns which one has matched |
Cbasic_char_set_error | |
Cbasic_literal | Parses a specific character and returns nothing |
Cbasic_literal_error | |
Cbasic_stream | The stream class used while parsing |
Cbasic_string | Parses a specific string and returns nothing |
Cbasic_string_error | |
Ccomplement | Builds the complement of a fcppt::parse::basic_char_set parser |
Ccomplement_error | |
Cconvert | Converts the success value of a parser into another success value |
Cconvert_const | Replaces the success value of a parser with a constant |
Cconvert_if | Converts the success value of a parser into either another success value or an error |
Ccustom_error | |
Cepsilon | Parses the empty string, returns nothing |
Cerror | The error type |
Cexclude | Matches only if another parser does not match |
Cfail | Always fails |
Cfail_error | |
Cfatal | Makes all error fatal |
Cfloat_ | Parses floating-point numbers |
Cgrammar | Base class for grammars |
Cignore | Ignores the result of a parser |
Cint_ | Parses signed integers |
Clexeme | Disables the skipper |
Clist | Parses lists, e.g., [a_1,...,a_n] |
Clocation | The location of a fcppt::parse::basic_stream |
Cnamed | Gives a parser a name, improving error messages |
Cnamed_error | |
Cnot_ | Negates the result of a parser, returns nothing |
Coptional | Makes a parser optional |
Cparse_stream_error | |
Cparse_string_error | |
Cposition | The position of an fcppt::parse::basic_stream |
Crecursive | Wraps a type in fcppt::recursive |
Crepetition | Tries a parser repeatedly, producing a vector of results |
Crepetition_plus | Tries a parser repeatedly, producing a vector of results. Must produce at least one element |
Cseparator | Parses a list of elements, delimited by a separator, e.g., a_1,...,a_n |
Csequence | Tries two parsers in succession. Produces a tuple of both results if both parsers do not fail |
Ctag | The tag parsers derive from |
Ctyped_error | |
Cuint | Parses unsigned integers |
Cwith_location | |
►Nrandom | Main namespace for random, also containing the variate generator |
►Ndistribution | The namespace for the basic distribution and helper functions |
►Nparameters | The namespace for all distribution parameters |
Cnormal | Parameters class for normal distributions |
Cuniform_int | Parameters class for uniform int distributions |
►Cuniform_int_wrapper | |
Capply | |
Cuniform_real | Parameters class for uniform real distributions |
Cbasic | A wrapper for distributions |
►Ngenerator | The namespace for all generators and helper functions |
Cbasic_pseudo | A wrapper around pseudo random number generators |
►Nwrapper | |
Cuniform_container | |
Cvariate | Combines a generator and a distribution |
►Nrange | |
Chash | Hashes a range |
►Nrecord | |
Celement | An element of a record |
Celement_init | The type produced by initializing a single record element |
Cis_element | Tests if a type is an fcppt::record::element |
Cis_element< fcppt::record::element< Type, Tag > > | |
Cis_label | Tests if a type is an fcppt::record::label |
Cis_label< fcppt::record::label< Tag > > | |
Cis_object | Tests if a type is an fcppt::record::object |
Cis_object< fcppt::record::object< Elements... > > | |
Clabel | A type identifying an element of a record |
Cobject | A generic struct that identifies elements by types |
►Nsignal | An implementation of a managed signals and slots system (replacement for boost's signals) |
►Nunregister | Contains classes and functions related to unregistration callbacks |
Cbase | A base class for signals providing unlinking |
Cbase | Default base class for signals. Provides no unlinking capabilities |
Cconnection | A connection returned by a connect call |
Cobject | |
Cobject< Result(Args...), Base > | Represents a signal with a non-void return value |
Cobject< void(Args...), Base > | Represents a signal without a return value |
►Ntuple | |
Cobject | Like std::tuple but with a proper constructor |
►Ntype_iso | Conversions between isomorphic types |
Ctransform | Customization point for decorate/undecorate |
Ctransform< fcppt::strong_typedef< Type, Alias > > | |
►Ntype_traits | Some additional type traits |
Cis_base_of | Like std::is_base_of , but only works on complete types |
Cis_string | Tells if a type is a string |
►Nvariant | Contains fcppt::variant::object and helper types/functions for it |
Cis_object | |
Cis_object< fcppt::variant::object< Types... > > | |
Cobject | A class that can hold any object from a fixed set of types |
Cboost_units_value | Converts a boost unit to its value |
Cc_deleter | A deleter that uses std::free to destroy an object |
Ccom_deleter | A deleter that uses the Release member function to destroy an object |
Ccyclic_iterator | An iterator adaptor that cycles through a range |
Cdefault_deleter | A deleter that uses delete to destroy an object |
Cderef_impl | |
Cenable_shared_from_this | Allows an object to obtain a shared ptr to itself |
Cexception | The base class for all exceptions |
Cfunction | |
Cfunction< Ret(Args...)> | A function object that cannot be null |
Cidentity | The identity function |
Cint_iterator | An iterator over integers |
Cint_range | A forward range over integers |
Cis_recursive | Tests if a type is an fcppt::recursive |
Cis_recursive< fcppt::recursive< Type > > | |
Cis_reference | Tests if a type is an fcppt::reference |
Cis_reference< fcppt::reference< Type > > | |
Cis_strong_typedef | Tests if a type is an fcppt::strong_typedef |
Cis_strong_typedef< fcppt::strong_typedef< Type, Tag > > | |
Cis_unique_ptr | Tests if a type is an fcppt::unique_ptr |
Cis_unique_ptr< fcppt::unique_ptr< Type, Deleter > > | |
Cmake_literal | |
Cmake_literal< fcppt::strong_typedef< Type, Tag > > | |
Cno_init | A dummy struct to use a constructor that does not initialize |
Coutput_impl | |
Coutput_impl< Arg, void > | |
Coverloaded | Overloads multiple lambdas |
Crecursive | Turns an incomplete type into a complete one, allowing recursion |
Creference | A simple reference wrapper that supports incomplete types |
Creference_hash | |
Creference_hash< fcppt::reference< Type > > | A hash for fcppt::reference that hashes pointers |
Cscoped_state_machine | Scopes a boost state machine |
Cshared_ptr | A shared pointer class that gets the deleter as a template parameter |
Cshared_ptr_hash | |
Cshared_ptr_hash< fcppt::shared_ptr< Type > > | A hash for fcppt::shared_ptr that hashes pointers |
Cstrong_typedef | Used to create strong typedefs |
Cstrong_typedef_hash | |
Cstrong_typedef_hash< fcppt::strong_typedef< Type, Alias > > | Hash function object for strong typedefs |
Ctag | A value for a type name |
Cunique_ptr | A simpler unique_ptr that shouldn't be used as a null pointer |
Cunit | The unit data type |
Cweak_ptr | A weak reference to an object owned by a shared pointer |