Freundlich's C++ toolkit
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fcppt::math::box Namespace Reference

Contains fcppt::math::box::object box::object and helper functions, classes and types for it. More...


struct  has_dim
 Metafunction to check the dimension of a box. More...
struct  has_dim< fcppt::math::box::object< T, N >, Dim >
struct  is_box
 Metafunction to test if a type is a box type. More...
struct  is_box< fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > >
class  object
 A class representing axis aligned boxes, cubes, hypercubes, ... More...


template<typename T >
using rect = fcppt::math::box::object<T, 2>
 Typedefs a two dimensional box (a rect)


template<typename T , fcppt::math::size_type N>
fcppt::math::box::object< T, N >::vector center (fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_box)
 Returns the center of the box.
template<typename T , fcppt::math::size_type N>
bool operator== (fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_a, fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_b)
 Compare two boxes componentwise using value_type's operator==
template<typename T , fcppt::math::size_type N>
bool operator!= (fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_a, fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_b)
 Compare two boxes componentwise using value_type's operator!=
template<typename T , fcppt::math::size_type N>
bool operator< (fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_a, fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_b)
 Compare two boxes lexicographically.
template<typename T , fcppt::math::size_type N>
bool componentwise_equal (fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_v1, fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_v2, T const _epsilon)
 Compare two boxes component-wise using an epsilon.
template<typename T , fcppt::math::size_type N>
bool contains (fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_outer, fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_inner)
 Test if one box is completely inside another box.
template<typename T , typename S , fcppt::math::size_type N>
bool contains_point (fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_box, fcppt::math::vector::object< T, N, S > const &_point)
 Test if a box contains a point.
template<typename T , fcppt::math::size_type N>
fcppt::array::object< fcppt::math::vector::static_< T, N >, fcppt::math::power_of_2< std::size_t >(N)> corner_points (fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_box)
 Returns the 2^N corner points (vertices) of the given box.
template<typename T , fcppt::math::size_type N>
fcppt::math::vector::static_< T, N > distance (fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_box1, fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_box2)
 Calculates the interval distance between all box dimensions.
template<typename T , fcppt::math::size_type N>
fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > extend_bounding_box (fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const _box, typename fcppt::math::box::object< T, N >::vector const _pos)
 Extend a box to fit a point in it.
template<typename T , fcppt::math::size_type N>
fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > extend_bounding_box (fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_box1, fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_box2)
 Take the bounding box of two boxes.
template<typename Box , typename Function >
Box init_dim (Function const &_function)
 Initializes a box from pairs of positions and sizes.
template<typename Box , typename Function >
Box init_max (Function const &_function)
 Initializes a box from pairs of min and max positions.
template<typename T , fcppt::math::size_type N>
fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > intersection (fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_a, fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_b)
 Calculates the intersection of two boxes (which is, again, a box)
template<typename T , fcppt::math::size_type N>
bool intersects (fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_a, fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_b)
 Tests if two boxes intersect.
template<fcppt::math::size_type Index, typename T , fcppt::math::size_type N>
fcppt::tuple::object< T, T > interval (fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_box)
 Creates an interval from a box.
template<typename Box >
Box null ()
 Returns the null box.
template<typename T , fcppt::math::size_type N, typename Ch , typename Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Ch, Traits > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Ch, Traits > &_stream, fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_box)
 Outputs a box to a basic_ostream.
template<typename T , fcppt::math::size_type N>
fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > shrink (fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_box, typename fcppt::math::box::object< T, N >::vector const &_absolute_values)
 Shrink a box towards its center using an absolute value.
template<typename T , fcppt::math::size_type N>
fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > stretch_absolute (fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_box, typename fcppt::math::box::object< T, N >::vector const &_absolute_values)
 Stretch a box around its center using an absolute value.
template<typename T , fcppt::math::size_type N>
fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > stretch_relative (fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_box, typename fcppt::math::box::object< T, N >::vector const &_factors)
 Stretch a box around its center by a given factor.
template<typename Dest , typename Conv , typename T , fcppt::math::size_type N>
Dest structure_cast (fcppt::math::box::object< T, N > const &_src)
 Converts a box into a different box of the same dimension using Conv.

Detailed Description

Contains fcppt::math::box::object box::object and helper functions, classes and types for it.