Freundlich's C++ toolkit
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cfcppt::options::active_value_tagThe tag of strong typedefs for active values
 Cfcppt::parse::alternative_error< Ch >
 Cfcppt::random::distribution::parameters::uniform_int_wrapper::apply< Type >
 Cfcppt::options::argument< Label, Type >An argument parser
 Cfcppt::enum_::array< Enum, Value >An array indexed with an enum
 Cfcppt::intrusive::base< Type >The base class of an element
 Cfcppt::iterator::base< Types >A template for implementing iterators
 Cfcppt::options::base< Result >The base class for parsers with a given result type
 Cfcppt::signal::base< T >Default base class for signals. Provides no unlinking capabilities
 Cfcppt::signal::unregister::base< T >A base class for signals providing unlinking
 Cfcppt::intrusive::base< concrete_connection >
 Cfcppt::iterator::base< fcppt::iterator::types< fcppt::enum_::iterator< Enum >, Enum, Enum, std::make_signed_t< fcppt::enum_::size_type< Enum > >, std::input_iterator_tag > >
 Cfcppt::iterator::base< fcppt::iterator::types< fcppt::int_iterator< Int >, Int, Int, Int, std::input_iterator_tag > >
 Cfcppt::random::distribution::basic< Parameters >A wrapper for distributions
 Cfcppt::random::distribution::basic< param_type >
 Cfcppt::parse::basic_char_error< Ch >
 Cfcppt::parse::basic_char_set_error< Ch >
 Cfcppt::parse::basic_literal_error< Ch >
 Cfcppt::random::generator::basic_pseudo< Generator >A wrapper around pseudo random number generators
 Cfcppt::io::basic_scoped_rdbuf< Ch, Traits >Changes the streambuf of a stream temporarily
 Cfcppt::parse::basic_stream< Ch >The stream class used while parsing
 Cfcppt::parse::basic_string_error< Ch >
 Cfcppt::boost_units_valueConverts a boost unit to its value
 Cfcppt::c_deleterA deleter that uses std::free to destroy an object
 Cfcppt::com_deleterA deleter that uses the Release member function to destroy an object
 Cfcppt::options::commands< OptionsParser, SubParsers >A parser for multiple sub commands
 Cfcppt::parse::complement_error< Ch >
 Cfcppt::signal::connectionA connection returned by a connect call
 Cfcppt::monad::instance< fcppt::either::object< Failure, Success > >::constructor< Type >
 Cfcppt::monad::instance< fcppt::optional::object< Arg > >::constructor< Type >
 Cfcppt::log::contextA logger context manages log levels
 Cfcppt::parse::custom_error< Ch >
 Cfcppt::default_deleterA deleter that uses delete to destroy an object
 Cfcppt::container::bitfield::default_internal_typeTells a bitfield to choose an internal type
 Cfcppt::options::default_value_tagThe tag of strong typedefs for default values
 Cfcppt::deref_impl< Arg, Enable >
 Cfcppt::filesystem::directory_rangeA range for directory iterators
 Cfcppt::cast::dynamic_any_funFunction object that uses fcppt::cast::dynamic_any
 Cfcppt::container::dynamic_array< T, A >An array of dynamic size that does not initialize
 Cfcppt::cast::dynamic_cross_funFunction object that uses fcppt::cast::dynamic_cross
 Cfcppt::cast::dynamic_funFunction object that uses fcppt::cast::dynamic
 Cfcppt::mpl::map::element< Key, Value >The element type of a map.An element of a map is a key-value pair
 Cfcppt::record::element< Label, Type >An element of a record
 Cfcppt::record::element_init< Tag, Type >The type produced by initializing a single record element
 Cfcppt::options::errorThe error type retuned
 Cfcppt::parse::error< Ch >The error type
 Cfcppt::parse::fail_error< Ch >
 Cfcppt::options::flag< Label, Type >A flag parser
 Cfcppt::options::flag< Label, bool >
 Cfcppt::cast::float_to_int_funFunction object of fcppt::cast::float_to_int
 Cfcppt::enum_::array< Enum, Value >::from_internal
 Cfcppt::enum_::from_string_impl< Enum, Enable >
 Cfcppt::function< F >
 Cfcppt::function< fcppt::either::object< fcppt::parse::custom_error< Ch >, result_type >(fcppt::parse::position< Ch >, fcppt::parse::result_of< Parser > &&)>
 Cfcppt::function< result_type(fcppt::parse::result_of< Parser > &&)>
 Cfcppt::function< result_type(result_type, result_type)>
 Cfcppt::function< Ret(Args...)>A function object that cannot be null
 Cfcppt::container::get_or_insert_result< Reference >The result type of fcppt::container::get_or_insert_with_result
 Cfcppt::parse::grammar< Result, Ch, Skipper >Base class for grammars
 Cfcppt::math::dim::has_dim< Dim, Size >Metafunction to check the dimension of a static dim
 Cfcppt::math::matrix::has_dim< Matrix, R, C >Metafunction to check if a static matrix has the specified dimensions
 Cfcppt::math::vector::has_dim< Vector, Dim >Checks the dimension of a vector
 Cfcppt::container::bitfield::hash< Bitfield >A hash function for bitfields
 Cfcppt::range::hash< Type >Hashes a range
 Cfcppt::identityThe identity function
 Cfcppt::options::inactive_value_tagThe tag of strong typedefs for inactive values
 Cfcppt::math::matrix::index< Row, Column >A static matrix index
 Cfcppt::container::index_map< T, A >An index-based container that grows on demand
 Cfcppt::monad::instance< fcppt::either::object< Failure, Success > >::inner_type< Either >
 Cfcppt::monad::instance< fcppt::optional::object< Arg > >::inner_type< Optional >
 Cfcppt::monad::instance< Type >Used to implement a monad instance
 Cfcppt::monad::instance< fcppt::either::object< Failure, Success > >
 Cfcppt::monad::instance< fcppt::optional::object< Arg > >
 Cfcppt::int_range< Int >A forward range over integers
 Cfcppt::cast::int_to_enum_funFunction object of fcppt::cast::int_to_enum
 Cfcppt::cast::int_to_float_funFunction object of fcppt::cast::int_to_float
 Cfcppt::math::is_zero_impl< T, Enable >
 Cfcppt::record::label< Tag >A type identifying an element of a record
 Cfcppt::mpl::lambda< F >The lambda type
 Cfcppt::options::sum< Label, Left, Right >::left
 Cfcppt::log::level_streamThe stream for a logger level
 Cfcppt::intrusive::list< Type >An intrusive list
 Cfcppt::intrusive::list< concrete_connection >
 Cfcppt::log::locationA location of a logger in a context
 Cfcppt::parse::locationThe location of a fcppt::parse::basic_stream
 Cfcppt::algorithm::loop_break_impl< Range, Enable >Customization point for ranges
 Cfcppt::make_literal< Type, Enable >
 Cfcppt::make_literal< fcppt::strong_typedef< Type, Tag > >
 Cfcppt::options::many< Parser >A parser for zero or more elements
 Cfcppt::algorithm::map_impl< Source, Target, Enable >
 Cfcppt::bit::mask< Type >A bit mask
 Cfcppt::enum_::max_value_impl< Type >Specialization point for max_value
 Cfcppt::options::missing_errorOccurs if an argument/flag/option is missing
 Cfcppt::catch_::movable< Type >A movable-only type
 Cfcppt::container::move_range< Range >A range that moves its elements
 Cfcppt::parse::named_error< Ch >
 Cfcppt::no_initA dummy struct to use a constructor that does not initialize
 Cfcppt::random::distribution::parameters::normal< IntType >Parameters class for normal distributions
 Cfcppt::optional::nothingA polymorphic empty optional
 Cfcppt::array::object< T, Size >
 Cfcppt::container::bitfield::object< ElementType, InternalType >A statically sized bitfield
 Cfcppt::container::buffer::object< T, A >A contiguous container for uninitialized data that contains a write and a read area
 Cfcppt::container::grid::object< T, N, A >An n-dimensional array
 Cfcppt::container::raw_vector::object< T, A >A special vector class that can handle uninitialized memory
 Cfcppt::container::tree::object< T >A tree data structure
 Cfcppt::either::object< Failure, Success >
 Cfcppt::log::objectThe main log class
 Cfcppt::math::box::object< T, N >A class representing axis aligned boxes, cubes, hypercubes, ..
 Cfcppt::math::dim::object< T, N, S >A class representing a static n-dimensional dimension
 Cfcppt::math::matrix::object< T, R, C, S >A class representing a static matrix
 Cfcppt::math::sphere::object< T, N >The object sphere class
 Cfcppt::math::vector::object< T, N, S >A class representing static n-dimensional vectors
 Cfcppt::mpl::list::object< Args >The list type used by this library
 Cfcppt::mpl::map::object< Args >The map type used by this library
 Cfcppt::mpl::set::object< Args >The set type used by this library.A map is constructed from a variadic list of types, which must be pairwise disjoint
 Cfcppt::optional::object< T >A class that makes values optional
 Cfcppt::record::object< Elements >A generic struct that identifies elements by types
 Cfcppt::signal::object< T, Base >
 Cfcppt::tuple::object< Types >Like std::tuple but with a proper constructor
 Cfcppt::variant::object< Types >A class that can hold any object from a fixed set of types
 Cfcppt::optional::object< Ch >
 Cfcppt::variant::object< Ch >
 Cfcppt::tuple::object< container_iterator_type, container_iterator_type >
 Cfcppt::variant::object< Failure, Success >
 Cfcppt::variant::object< fcppt::options::argument_conversion_error, fcppt::options::dual_flag_error, fcppt::options::dual_option_error, fcppt::options::error_pair, fcppt::options::leftover_error, fcppt::options::invalid_command_error, fcppt::options::missing_argument_error, fcppt::options::missing_command_error, fcppt::options::missing_flag_error, fcppt::options::missing_option_argument_error, fcppt::options::missing_option_error, fcppt::options::option_conversion_error >
 Cfcppt::variant::object< fcppt::options::argument_usage, fcppt::options::commands_usage, fcppt::options::flag_usage, fcppt::options::many_usage, fcppt::options::option_usage, fcppt::options::optional_usage, fcppt::options::product_usage, fcppt::options::sum_usage, fcppt::options::unit_usage >
 Cfcppt::optional::object< fcppt::options::help_text >
 Cfcppt::variant::object< fcppt::options::missing_argument_error, fcppt::options::missing_command_error, fcppt::options::missing_error_pair, fcppt::options::missing_flag_error, fcppt::options::missing_option_error >
 Cfcppt::optional::object< fcppt::options::short_name >
 Cfcppt::optional::object< fcppt::parse::location >
 Cfcppt::optional::object< fcppt::parse::parse_stream_error< Ch > >
 Cfcppt::optional::object< fcppt::string >
 Cfcppt::math::dim::object< size_type, N >
 Cfcppt::array::object< static_size, internal_type >
 Cfcppt::tuple::object< SubCommands... >
 Cfcppt::math::vector::object< T, N >
 Cfcppt::optional::object< Tree >
 Cfcppt::optional::object< Type >
 Cfcppt::array::object< Value, static_size::value >
 Cfcppt::math::vector::object< value_type, N >
 Cfcppt::options::option< Label, Type >An option parser
 Cfcppt::options::option_nameAn option name that may be for a short or long option
 Cfcppt::options::optional< Parser >An optional parser
 Cfcppt::output_impl< Arg, Enable >
 Cfcppt::output_impl< Arg, void >
 Cfcppt::parse::parse_stream_error< Ch >
 Cfcppt::parse::parse_string_error< Ch >
 Cfcppt::container::grid::pos_range< SizeType, size_type >A range over grid position
 Cfcppt::container::grid::pos_ref_range< Grid >A range over grid references
 Cfcppt::container::grid::pos_reference< Grid >A reference to a grid cell and its position
 Cfcppt::parse::position< Ch >The position of an fcppt::parse::basic_stream
 Cfcppt::container::tree::pre_order< Tree >Wraps a tree to make it iterable in a pre-order fashion
 Cfcppt::options::pretty_type_impl< Type, Enable >
 Cfcppt::options::product< Left, Right >A product of two parsers
 Cfcppt::container::bitfield::proxy< StoredType >The proxy class referencing a single bit in a bitfield
 Cfcppt::enum_::range< Enum >A range over a contiguous enum
 Cfcppt::iterator::range< Iterator >A range formed from two iterators
 Cfcppt::recursive< Type >Turns an incomplete type into a complete one, allowing recursion
 Cfcppt::recursive< fcppt::options::error >
 Cfcppt::recursive< fcppt::options::missing_error_variant >
 Cfcppt::recursive< fcppt::options::usage >
 Cfcppt::recursive< fcppt::parse::error< Ch > >
 Cfcppt::filesystem::recursive_directory_rangeA range for recursive directory iterators
 Cfcppt::reference< Type >A simple reference wrapper that supports incomplete types
 Cfcppt::reference< Container >
 Cfcppt::reference< fcppt::io::ostream >
 Cfcppt::reference< fcppt::unique_ptr< Result > const >
 Cfcppt::reference< generator >
 Cfcppt::reference< Grid >
 Cfcppt::reference< StoredType >
 Cfcppt::reference< stream_type >
 Cfcppt::reference< Tree >
 Cfcppt::reference_hash< Type >
 Cfcppt::reference_hash< fcppt::reference< Type > >A hash for fcppt::reference that hashes pointers
 Cfcppt::container::raw_vector::rep< A >The representation of a raw vector
 Cfcppt::options::sum< Label, Left, Right >::right
 Cfcppt::scoped_state_machine< Machine >Scopes a boost state machine
 Cfcppt::shared_ptr< Type, Deleter >A shared pointer class that gets the deleter as a template parameter
 Cfcppt::shared_ptr_hash< Type >
 Cfcppt::shared_ptr_hash< fcppt::shared_ptr< Type > >A hash for fcppt::shared_ptr that hashes pointers
 Cfcppt::cast::size_funFunction object of fcppt::cast::size
 Cfcppt::enum_::size_type_impl< Type >
 Cfcppt::container::grid::spiral_range< Pos >
 Cfcppt::options::stateA parse state
 Cfcppt::options::state_with_value< T >A parse state together with a value
 Cfcppt::cast::static_cast_funFunction object that does a static_cast
 CCatch::StringMaker< fcppt::catch_::movable< Type > >Output specialization for fcppt::catch_::movable
 CCatch::StringMaker< fcppt::either::object< Failure, Success > >Output specialization for fcppt::either::object
 CCatch::StringMaker< fcppt::optional::object< Type > >Output specialization for fcppt::optional::object
 CCatch::StringMaker< fcppt::record::object< Elements... > >Output specialization for fcppt::record::object
 CCatch::StringMaker< fcppt::recursive< Types > >Output specialization for fcppt::recursive
 CCatch::StringMaker< fcppt::strong_typedef< Type, Tag > >Output specialization for fcppt::strong_typedef
 CCatch::StringMaker< fcppt::tuple::object< Types... > >Output specialization for fcppt::tuple::object
 CCatch::StringMaker< fcppt::variant::object< Types... > >Output specialization for fcppt::variant::object
 Cfcppt::strong_typedef< T, Tag >Used to create strong typedefs
 Cfcppt::strong_typedef< bool >
 Cfcppt::strong_typedef< bool, _ >
 Cfcppt::strong_typedef< fcppt::optional::object< Type > >
 Cfcppt::strong_typedef< fcppt::string, _ >
 Cfcppt::strong_typedef< FloatType, _ >
 Cfcppt::strong_typedef< IntType, _ >
 Cfcppt::strong_typedef< Type >
 Cfcppt::strong_typedef_hash< Type >
 Cfcppt::strong_typedef_hash< fcppt::strong_typedef< Type, Alias > >Hash function object for strong typedefs
 Cfcppt::options::sub_command< Tag, Parser >A sub command consists of a command name and a parser
 Cfcppt::options::sum< Label, Left, Right >A sum of two parsers
 Cfcppt::options::switch_< Label >A switch parser
 Cfcppt::parse::skipper::tagThe tag skippers derive from
 Cfcppt::parse::tagThe tag parsers derive from
 Cfcppt::tag< Type >A value for a type name
 Cfcppt::container::tree::to_root< Tree >
 Cfcppt::cast::to_signed_funFunction object of fcppt::cast::to_signed
 Cfcppt::enum_::to_string_impl< Enum, Enable >Customization point for fcppt::enum_::to_string
 Cfcppt::cast::to_unsigned_funFunction object of fcppt::cast::to_unsigned
 Cfcppt::type_iso::transform< fcppt::strong_typedef< Type, Alias > >
 Cfcppt::parse::typed_error< Ch >
 Cfcppt::iterator::types< Derived, ValueType, Reference, DifferenceType, IteratorCategory >The types passed to fcppt::iterator::base
 Cfcppt::random::wrapper::uniform_container< Container, IntDistribution >
 Cfcppt::random::distribution::parameters::uniform_int< IntType, Distribution >Parameters class for uniform int distributions
 Cfcppt::random::distribution::parameters::uniform_real< IntType >Parameters class for uniform real distributions
 Cfcppt::unique_ptr< Type, Deleter >A simpler unique_ptr that shouldn't be used as a null pointer
 Cfcppt::unique_ptr< fcppt::options::error >
 Cfcppt::unique_ptr< fcppt::options::missing_error_variant >
 Cfcppt::unique_ptr< fcppt::options::usage >
 Cfcppt::unique_ptr< fcppt::parse::error< Ch > >
 Cfcppt::unique_ptr< impl >
 Cfcppt::options::unit< Label >A parser that succeeds when provided with no arguments
 Cfcppt::unitThe unit data type
 Cfcppt::options::unit_switch< Label >A required switch
 Cfcppt::options::usageThe usage type of a parser.This shows to a user how a parser is supposed to be used
 Cfcppt::random::variate< Generator, Distribution >Combines a generator and a distribution
 Cfcppt::weak_ptr< Type, Deleter >A weak reference to an object owned by a shared pointer