Freundlich's C++ toolkit
No Matches
fcppt::optional Namespace Reference


struct  is_object
 Checks if a given type is an fcppt::optional::object. More...
struct  is_object< fcppt::optional::object< Type > >
struct  nothing
 A polymorphic empty optional. More...
class  object
 A class that makes values optional. More...


template<fcppt::optional::object_concept Optional>
using move_type = fcppt::move_if_rvalue_type<Optional, fcppt::optional::reference_type<Optional>>
 The moved inner type of an optional.
template<typename T >
using reference = fcppt::optional::object<fcppt::reference<T>>
 Optional of a reference.
template<fcppt::optional::object_concept Optional>
using reference_type = decltype(std::declval<Optional>().get_unsafe())
 The reference type of an optional.
template<fcppt::optional::object_concept Optional>
using value_type = fcppt::type_traits::value_type<std::remove_cvref_t<Optional>>
 The value type of an optional.


template<fcppt::optional::object_concept Optional, fcppt::concepts::invocable_move<> Function>
requires std::is_same_v<std::remove_cvref_t<Optional>, std::invoke_result_t<Function>>
std::remove_cvref_t< Optional > alternative (Optional &&_optional1, Function const &_optional2)
 Returns the first optional if it is not nothing.
template<fcppt::optional::object_concept... Optionals, fcppt::concepts::invocable_move< fcppt::optional::move_type< Optionals >... > Function>
fcppt::optional::object< std::invoke_result_t< Function, fcppt::optional::move_type< Optionals >... > > apply (Function const &_function, Optionals &&..._optionals)
 Applies a function to multiple optionals if each of them contains a value.
template<typename Element , typename Arg >
requires std::is_same_v<Element, std::remove_cv_t<Arg>>
Element & assign (fcppt::optional::object< Element > &_optional, Arg &&_arg)
 Assigns an optional and returns a reference to the optional's contents.
template<fcppt::optional::object_concept Optional, fcppt::concepts::invocable_move< fcppt::optional::move_type< Optional > > Function>
requires fcppt::optional::is_object_v< std::invoke_result_t<Function, fcppt::optional::move_type<Optional>>>
std::invoke_result_t< Function, fcppt::optional::move_type< Optional > > bind (Optional &&_source, Function const &_function)
 Converts an optional of one type to another.
template<typename TargetContainer , typename Source >
TargetContainer cat (Source &&_source)
 Removes empty optionals from a range.
template<fcppt::optional::object_concept Optional1, fcppt::optional::object_concept Optional2, fcppt::concepts::invocable_move< fcppt::optional::move_type< Optional1 >, fcppt::optional::move_type< Optional2 > > Function>
requires std:: is_same_v<fcppt::optional::value_type<Optional1>, fcppt::optional::value_type<Optional2>> && std::is_same_v< fcppt::optional::value_type<Optional1>, std::invoke_result_t< Function, fcppt::optional::move_type<Optional1>, fcppt::optional::move_type<Optional2>>>
fcppt::optional::object< fcppt::optional::value_type< Optional1 > > combine (Optional1 &&_optional1, Optional2 &&_optional2, Function const &_function)
 Combines two optionals.
template<typename T >
bool operator== (fcppt::optional::object< T > const &_a, fcppt::optional::object< T > const &_b)
 Compares two optionals for equality.
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (fcppt::optional::object< T > const &_a, fcppt::optional::object< T > const &_b)
 Compares two optionals for inequality.
template<typename T >
bool operator< (fcppt::optional::object< T > const &_a, fcppt::optional::object< T > const &_b)
 Compares two optionals lexicographically.
template<typename Type >
fcppt::optional::object< std::remove_cv_t< Type > > copy_value (fcppt::optional::reference< Type > const &_opt)
 Copies the value of an optional reference.
template<typename Element >
fcppt::optional::object< fcppt::reference< std::remove_reference_t< decltype(*std::declval< Element >())> > deref (fcppt::optional::object< Element > const &_optional)
 Dereferences the contents of an optional.
template<fcppt::optional::object_concept Optional, fcppt::concepts::invocable_move< fcppt::optional::value_type< Optional > > Function>
requires std::is_same_v<bool, std::invoke_result_t<Function, fcppt::optional::value_type<Optional>>>
std::remove_cvref_t< Optional > filter (Optional &&_source, Function const &_function)
 Filters an optional.
template<fcppt::optional::object_concept Optional, fcppt::concepts::invocable_move Default>
requires std::is_same_v<std::invoke_result_t<Default>, fcppt::optional::value_type<Optional>>
std::invoke_result_t< Default > from (Optional &&_optional, Default const _default)
 Returns the value contained in an optional or a default value.
template<typename T >
fcppt::optional::reference< T > from_pointer (T *const _pointer)
 Creates an optional reference from a pointer.
template<typename Element , fcppt::concepts::invocable_move<> Function>
requires std::is_same_v<std::invoke_result_t<Function>, Element>
Element & get_or_assign (fcppt::optional::object< Element > &_optional, Function const &_function)
 Assigns an optional if it is empty. Returns a reference to the optional's contents.
template<fcppt::optional::object_concept Optional>
requires fcppt::optional::is_object_v<fcppt::optional::value_type<Optional>>
fcppt::optional::value_type< Optional > join (Optional &&_source)
 Removes one layer of optionals.
template<typename Type >
fcppt::optional::object< std::remove_cvref_t< Type > > make (Type &&_value)
 Wraps a value into an optional.
template<fcppt::concepts::invocable_move Function>
fcppt::optional::object< std::invoke_result_t< Function > > make_if (bool const _is_set, Function const &_function)
 Creates an optional depending on a boolean.
template<fcppt::optional::object_concept Optional, fcppt::concepts::invocable_move< fcppt::optional::move_type< Optional > > Function>
fcppt::optional::object< std::invoke_result_t< Function, fcppt::optional::move_type< Optional > > > map (Optional &&_source, Function const &_function)
 Maps over an optional using a function.
template<fcppt::optional::object_concept Optional, fcppt::concepts::invocable Default, fcppt::concepts::invocable< fcppt::optional::move_type< Optional > > Transform>
requires std::is_same_v< std::invoke_result_t<Default>, std::invoke_result_t<Transform, fcppt::optional::move_type<Optional>>>
std::invoke_result_t< Default > maybe (Optional &&_optional, Default const &_default, Transform const &_transform)
 Transforms an optional value or returns a default value.
template<fcppt::optional::object_concept... Optionals, fcppt::concepts::invocable Default, fcppt::concepts::invocable< fcppt::optional::move_type< Optionals >... > Transform>
requires std::is_same_v< std::invoke_result_t<Default>, std::invoke_result_t<Transform, fcppt::optional::move_type<Optionals>...>>
std::invoke_result_t< Default > maybe_multi (Default const _default, Transform const _transform, Optionals &&..._optionals)
 Transforms multiple optional values or returns a default value.
template<fcppt::optional::object_concept Optional, fcppt::concepts::invocable< fcppt::optional::move_type< Optional > > Transform>
void maybe_void (Optional &&_optional, Transform const &_transform)
 Transforms an optional value or does nothing.
template<fcppt::optional::object_concept... Optionals, fcppt::concepts::invocable< fcppt::optional::move_type< Optionals >... > Transform>
void maybe_void_multi (Transform const _transform, Optionals &&..._optionals)
 Transforms optional values or does nothing.
template<typename Type , typename Ch , typename Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Ch, Traits > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Ch, Traits > &_stream, fcppt::optional::object< Type > const &_opt_value)
 Outputs an optional to a basic_ostream.
template<typename ResultContainer , typename Source >
fcppt::optional::object< ResultContainer > sequence (Source &&_source)
 Turns a container of optionals into an optional container.
template<typename Container , fcppt::optional::object_concept Optional>
requires std::is_same_v<fcppt::type_traits::value_type<Container>, fcppt::optional::value_type<Optional>>
Container to_container (Optional &&_source)
 Puts the value of an optional into a container or returns an empty container.
template<fcppt::optional::object_concept Optional, fcppt::concepts::invocable_move MakeException>
fcppt::optional::move_type< Optional > to_exception (Optional &&_optional, MakeException const _make_exception)
 Returns the value contained in an optional or throws an exception.
template<typename T >
T * to_pointer (fcppt::optional::reference< T > const _optional)
 Converts an optional reference to a pointer.


template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_object_v = fcppt::optional::is_object<T>::value
 Checks if a given type is an fcppt::optional::object.